Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I realized last night that I should elaborate on my expectations with what I have started.  Conservationists tend to be extremists in the lifestyle choices they make centering on the resource they are passionate about conserving (i.e. Green Peace "Pirates").  This is why I feel comfortable with my self designated title.  Connecting with people (friends or complete strangers) in my neighborhood, in my city and around the world fuels my soul.  
My motivation to share my thoughts, experiences and connections is not to fill the world with an endless supply of mini mes.  That would for sure be horrible...my boys can vouch for that...probably one of me is all the world needs.  My hope is my sharing inspires the smallest shift in behavior.
As I wrote in my first post, I am coming to realize I am not normal.  I do not carry many fears.  I will try pretty much anything within reason.  But I cannot expect that of others...and I don't.  I realize most people are not like me.  Most people condemn hitch hiking.  I love it (albeit I don't do it regularly) because it opens doors to random, fascinating connections/conversations.  I don't condone hitchhiking if it makes you uncomfortable.  Most people avoid traveling to third world places publicized as highly dangerous.  I LOVE it because in the farthest reaches of the worldI am reminded that ever being in this world, although they may look different than me, speak a different language than I, have more or less education or money than myself, the people living in those "dangerous" places are more similar to me than different.  I always return home amazed by the spirit, openness and kindness I received from people living in places that are to be feared.
More often than not, when I make new connections, whether in the "safety" of my neighborhood or a far-flung "dangerous" land, I discover I have more in common with the person I am meeting than I ever could have imagined but their life experiences are different than mine.  Because of those differences (age, race, culture, gender, socio economic class, religion, hardships, successes, language, etc), there is always something to be learned, shared or tried.  I am a wholehearted believer of this quote (author unknown):

"As I go, I am wearing you--the people we meet change us forever."

My life is infinitely better because of the people that have come into pathway.  Some stay for 20 seconds, some for 2 hours and others stay for 20 years.  I am grateful for them all and my life continues to evolve because of them.  Through my work I hope to move a needle towards change in human connectivity.  Hopefully a following will come along and experience what I love and nudge the needle a bit further.  Nothing can happen without a dream and small steps.  I will see where the windy path will lead and cannot wait for all those who will cross it for a moment, a minute or a milenia!!

I believe images always make a post a little more interesting, so I want to close with sharing a few pictures from Torit, S. Sudan.  Although from a completely different life than ours in America, their human spirit, emotions, intellect and dreams are often the same.

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