I really wanted to post a follow on to my time with
Robert. It will come. But today, I am moved to share the following. The last week has been filled with great connections and imagery creation that I will start sharing later today but I must lead with this and I am hoping it will be the last time I write about self-doubt and motivation...it is time to get a move on!!
I have spent an enormous amount of time thinking over the past year while I tenuously try to maneuver through the weeks as a mom, wife and photographer. I feel like there has been lots of thinking, lots of stress with minimal output. Ironically, for the very first time in my life, I have discovered my life passion. Since the lightbulb finally went off on what I want to do in life, I have struggled to understand why things just are not falling into place. I've heard for over two decades now, "Figure out what you are passionate about and then follow it. That is the key to happiness and "success" in life."
I feel so lucky to finally be able to put a finger on what drives me but instead now feeling like I have a direction to go in I have felt paralyzed. I have gone from a person of action, living in the moment and not worrying (too much) about how the future will unfold to someone that wants to know that I am taking the right steps to achieve the visions I have dancing in my head. It has been a frustratingly scary place to be. Especially given my place in life...middle-age (that sounds horrible when you still feel like you are 25 most of the time), mother of two healthy boys, house in a great neighborhood, husband with a great job, healthy family (immediate AND extended), great friends...what do I have to be unsettled about??!! I have the life I had envisioned in my head over the past 20 years of hard work. Why can't I just sit back, relax and settle into the life we have created. Why can't I find contentment in the photography career I worked my tail off to create? The self-doubt, the questioning, the future and what I am doing every day to move towards it has been ridiculously exhausting. I want to rewind the clock a few years, before I began unearthing my true passion. Why can't I just thankful for all the great photography clients, family and friends I have. But that is not life. It truly is a roller coaster filled with highs, lows and infinite unknowns that are out of our control.
So today, the first week of Q2 2015, I am going to release the seatbelt that I have strapped myself in with this past year. And get back to living life and leading my life without worrying about how it will go, what people will think, if I make sense, if I will be misunderstood or if I will fail in reaching my "undefined" goal. I am actually right on track with the rough plan I gave myself for this new "job". Q1 would be planning, Q2-4 was for executing the plan. I'm going to ignore that my "plan" is not clearly defined and celebrate that I am in action on day three of Q2.
Here is what I know:
--I believe in humanity and we can learn from and be inspired by the people around us regardless of where you are on this planet.
1995 Ha Rankakala, Qacha's Nek, Lesotho |
--I have had a life-long wanderlust that on the surface appeared a lust to travel the world. I have come to realize it is not travel to see the sights of the world that fuels my wanderlust, but the doors traveling opens to connect with people from all walks of life. I have never traveled the world to tick off the countries, I just wanted to be in places where I was a complete fish out of water. My desire to be immersed in the unknown (travel w/o an itinerary, w/o a fluency of the local language, w/o knowing anyone in the region) always forced me to trust strangers and people who were vastly different than myself. For 20+ years, the living and traveling in different parts of the world fueled my passion...human connectivity. Having new, unforgettable adventures & experiences with and because of strangers, this was the driving force behind my sense of wanderlust.
--Since the idea for The World in My Backyard came to me in 2012, I have realized I could have similar experiences and powerful connections with strangers without leaving the city I live in.
--People all over this world are more the same than they are different, but in our society, we tend to see each others differences and stay separated because we don't know how to bridge the gap or we make assumptions about an individual based on the difference. Creating our own perceptions of who we think people are, even though we know perception is always different than the reality. If we can be open to new connections the gaps will get smaller.
--I got stuck in my first year of the project because I wanted everyone to get to have the unbelievable experiences I and my family were having just because we were meeting strangers in this city. The stories I have managed to share have resonated with a few people. When I started w/ this idea, that was enough. Somewhere along the line I got worried about how I was sharing or should share. What the end result for my project or best vehicle for sharing should be so I stopped interviewing and sharing. But people still tell me something I shared with them resonated and impacted them. So I just need to get back to doing.
--I have never had a clear road map for any of my "achievements" or jobs...so why do I think this experience should be different. I need to return to my 20 year old self and jump in with both feet trusting that I will find my way and that I am able to do good things.
--Being self-employed can be tough because it takes 100% self-motivation. I need to hear feedback to know if I am hitting the mark or way off...and unfortunately, my office walls don't talk back! Reflecting on my 17 yr. photography career makes me realize that I had quite a bit of self-doubt that I was forced to overcome because I had clients who had no idea I was questioning myself. Each time I delivered my work to them, they reminded me that I was on the right track. My work was good enough. I continued to grow and improve. That is what I have to believe will happen with this process. So if you are reading this and you stick with me in the weeks and months to come, I would ask that once or twice this year send me a thought you may have, good or bad about the content I am sharing or how it resonated (or didn't) with you.
--The content I will be sharing will not be succinct or uniform for each. I am going to let myself off the hook from having a standardized form in which I share the individual stories because that is not how I think or function. If I give myself that constraint, I will continue to stay paralyzed. Feedback on what works or how it can be improved will help shape the process and ultimately, I will find what works best.
--If my work does not go beyond this year, whether I run out of emotional/mental steam trying to produce this on my own or I need to return to my photography business I will try my best to remind myself that it will not be a failed venture. My biggest worry right now is having my kids see me give up on my dreams and discovered passion. If I do not try, I am not living the words I preach to them. If it does not pan, at least I stood by my mantra that nothing can change if you do not try.
Today, I will get back to sharing stories of people in
The World in My Backyard (WIMBY). Adding one new facet...there will be stories "By Country" (continuing to follow the original goal of meeting one person from every country in the world living in Seattle) AND "By Day".
In the middle of writing this post, I had to step away to attend a school event for my 3rd grader. This song was sung by the 4th grade class and the timing could not have been more perfect for me. I often feel like I have a tiny little voice and what is the point of sharing...this song provides a reason...
"Starting with this moment, we can make a change.
If we love those around us, maybe they will do the same.
Though we have a small voice, and just a simple song.
Let's place it in the heart of another, so they can pass it on.
It starts with; one hear loving another, two hands reaching out,
We can cover the world with love.
Two voices singing together, one song ringing out,
we can cover the world with love....cover the world with love. Cover the world with love."
--Cover the World with Love by Jerry Estes
I am going to print these lyrics and put them by my computer to remind myself that although my voice is small and the experiences I am sharing seem so simple, I am going to pass them on. The ripple effect can happen if we all chip away at our fears and start opening up to the people around us.
If you reached the end of this, THANK YOU! If you follow the stories to come and feel moved by them (whether positively or negatively), please let me know and I ask that you share with others. I am not sure how to amplify my "small voice" work, I am going to rely on you to help me spread the stories and images. "Like" The World in My Backyard & Human Connectivity Conservationist on Facebook, send me ideas, offer your technology or editing prowess to my efforts. Any support you can provide, I will be so grateful!!
A WIMBY By Day story will follow very soon.
Thank you.